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"Empire Tour" - Guests in Aschaffenburg

Written by Michael Ehré on .

Michael writing here to let you participate in some of our tour activities and happenings although time is short (as hell) to do!

The show in Aschaffenburg yesterday was something really special. Kai had serious problems with his voice so we decided to invite some guest-singers to avoid canceling the show. Thanks to Tobi Sammet (Edguy), Fabio Leone (Rhapsody Of Fire,...) and Frank Beck (a friend of Dirk) for helping us out! It was fantastic!

Today: Memmingen, Kaminwerk!

tourblog empire 2014-04-11 small

Photo: Henjo Richter, Dirk Sauer (Edguy), Tobias Sammet (Edguy), Dirk Schlächter, Kai Hansen (front), Frank Beck (back), Fabio Leone (Rhapsody Of Fire,...), & me (Michael Ehré) after the show in Aschaffenburg.
